Western Cape Chapter
Minutes of meeting held on Thursday 28 February 2008
Present: Christie van Zyl, Danica Resoort, Johan Serdyn, John Rex, Pieter Koen, Quinton Jones, Rory Bamber, Sharyn Samra, Wayne Barker, Wayne Huskisson-Jackson, Bobby Matthew, Louis Reynolds, Johan Jacobs,
Apologies: Alexander Anderson, Anne-Lise Knapp, Brenda Robb, Drikus van Dyk, Duncan Cloete, Ernst van Dyk, Ian Thomson, Lize Westwood, Pedro Abrunhosa, Servaas de Kock,
Previous minutes: There were no previous minutes.
Matters arising:
There were no matters arising.
Johan Jacobs opened the meeting and thanked everybody for attending. Johan led a discussion about the about what brought the club to this point. The issues of past chairmanships were discussed. The issues of the 2007 show was discussed. The letters from SAKKS to the Western Cape chapter was discussed and the article in the latest edition of KOISA was discussed.
Everybody participated in the discussions and Johan asked the question on whether or not the chapter should continue or close down. Everybody present was in agreement that we should look forward and not to the past and agreed that there is a great desire to continue and build the Western Cape up again. John Rex commented that it is not the first time that the Western Cape is in this situation and that the chapter has always pulled through.
A number of new members joined prior to the start of the session and we will welcome them in the next edition of KOISA.
Looking forward, it was decided to elect a new committee and empower them to develop a plan on how the Western Cape will continue. Johan Jacobs discussed each position and the nominee(s) and requested, by a show of hands, for the attendees to indicate their support of the nominated individual.
The following nominations were received and the following positions were filled:
Nominee: Position: Nominated By: Seconded By: Number of votes:
Danica Resoort Secretary Louis Reynolds Johan Serdyn Unanimous
David Sylvester Treasurer John Rex Wayne Barker Unanimous
Ernst van Wyk Vice Chairman Christie van Zyl Rory Bamber Unanimous
Johan Jacobs Chairman Louis Reynolds John Rex Unanimous
Prior to the election of the Chairman, Johan led the group on a discussion about his personal status as a koi “dealer”. The constitution does not provide any direction of what a dealer is or not is and the constitution does not prohibit a koi dealer standing or serving on the committee. The management of SAKKS does however deem it “undesirable” to have a dealer on the committee.
Johan clarified that he imports koi to show. He further clarified that he imports small koi to grow on. As the koi grow and they are not of show quality, he will sell the koi. Should his ponds become crowded then he will also sell the koi. Johan was questioned by the meeting attendees on whether he imports koi for other people and whether he sells koi food, pumps, supplies, pipes, filters and equipment. After a lengthy discussion the attendees agreed that Johan is not a koi dealer and should be allowed to stand for Chairman of the club.
John Rex voiced his support for the newly elected officials and indicated his willingness to serve as an Ordinary Committee Member should the need arise. Duncan Cloete also voiced his support and willingness to serve as an Ordinary Committee member should the need arise.
Koi Show:
Following the election of the new committee, Johan Jacobs went on to discuss the 2008 Western Cape Show. There was a unanimous agreement that we must hold a show in 2008. It was however agreed that it would be difficult to organize a show in the normal May timeslot.
Johan Jacobs mentioned that section 3.3 from the minutes from the November 2007 SAKKS Bosberaad indicated that International judges will only attend the National show. They will no longer be “piggy banked” for other regional shows. The question was then raised about what the value is of showing your fish if they are not judged by International Judges? Johan resolved to take up the discussion with Harry Becks and understand how the process of judge allocations work and how to get judges to shows.
John Rex commented that in total we would need about R130K to R150K in funds and sponsorships in order to put together a good show. Johan commented on looking at alternative venues like Spier Wine Estate or shopping centers other than the Waterfront should we not be able to secure the appropriate sponsorship from the Waterfront.
Louis Reynolds voiced his support and willingness to take on the responsibility for organizing the show.
One of the first orders of business of the new committee would be to obtain an understanding and explanation of the 2007 financial results and produce a financial statement that we can move forward with.
In addition to the financials, the first activity of the new committee would be to meet and develop an action plan of how to move forward from here. This will then be communicated to the members for their comment and input. It would also be important to communicate the plan to the SAKKS governing body and inform them of the new plan as well as the newly elected committee members.
Johan closed the meeting and thanked all for attending. The newly elected committee will have its first meeting during the week of 10 – 14 March.
We would also like to thank Louis Reynolds for organizing the venue and thank Limnos for providing the biscuits.
The next meeting date will be communicated to all the members.