The road to hell
I think I am the second person stealing this heading in a week, and with a good reason. Recently I posted here very angry letter that was deleted. And with a good reason, for I am not very proud of that letter. It was very emotional, for I was upset. It was personal for I was responding to personal attacks, especially that those attacks were lies, and done to a person that had no say in the matter. I wanted to ignore it, and I did, until someone triggered a response from me.
For short I agree with admin here that that personal attacks are not a good thing on forums, but what do U say to an admin of another forum, who preaches the same things but does not practice them? Not only He does not practice them but, encourages members of his forum to do it when it suits him .
I would like to ask any one that is brave enough, to answer me. What is wrong with this post?
I am referring to this post:
And this post is referring to this post of mine, except that they never bothered to substantiate their claims, by posting a link to it and allowing people to judge for themselves:
Link to it:
Cutting the fin can cause infection.
Clean parts with disinfectant
Dry with hair drier on cold.
practice first to evenly join the two edges
apply super glue to edge. join
Soon all will be healed.
See link:
I would like to know your opinion on what is wrong with this post?
Does it look like I am claiming personal glory with that post or trying to help someone? The word We was used as a reference to our part to the world, as opposed to Asia.I never for ones used “I” of which I was accused.
Is it not the intention of every forum to disseminate information, try and help someone in need, and do good for short?
Why is information posted on forums?
How is this information to be referred to? Is it not by in your own words summarizing the information and giving a link to it.
Can someone be called a thief for that?
In every other forum that is an acceptable practice, and no one has complained to me about anything like that before and I have never been banned from a forum because of that.
What is wrong with posting the picture of a Koi that belong to a dealer, that U presumed is for sale, on another forum in order to ask for advice before U decide to buy it?
It is a common practice, and I don’t see any harm done to any one by it..
Do U see any harm done to someone?
For sure the road to hell is paved with good intentions!