I am planning a flower box for my new pond reno where basically I will have the water from my pump flowing into about a 500lt flower box through a water fall back into my pond.
The flower box will be filled with stone 9-13mm stone and I will be planting nymphae water lillies in the box. I will have the water flowing in via 50mm pipe to the bottom of this box, where it will flow upwards thru the stone\plants and back into the pond. Want to setup this box as an additional sort of bio filtration with a fancy flow back into the pond feature....something sorta like this
Now my question is, I obviously have to have my UV before the flower box, does this not defeat the object, will I still have a clear pond, will the filterbox not affect the work done by the UV?
2nd Question......I will have a slit 50mm pipe at the bottom of the flower box, where the water will push upwards thru the stone towards the flower box, now I was thinking where the pipe goes into the flower box tpo add a T Piece joing where I have a 50mm pipe going upwards so as to create a venturi effect into the flower box, where the water and bubbles will flow upwards thru the stone and back into the pond. Was thinking of doing this as an additional way of O2'ing the water....good idea or not.......here's a pic of what i'm talking about