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 Pond with constant natural water from spring

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Posts : 2330
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Join date : 2007-07-25
Age : 62
Location : Cape Town

water - Pond with constant natural water from spring Empty
PostSubject: Pond with constant natural water from spring   water - Pond with constant natural water from spring EmptyThu Jan 07, 2010 10:32 am

I received this mail, any comments?

I am situated on a farm in the far northern Limpopo province. The closest town I think you will know of is Musina. On a place in the farm we have a natural pond. It used to be a spring. The water used to trickle through the layer of lime stone which forms the floor of this pond. I have a large cement dam which is situated higher than the pond and from there I let water flow into the pond. Because of the lime stone base ( very porous stone ), the water sinks away quite fast and so it stays perfectly clean all year round without hassle. Over the past 3 years I have really quite incidentally created quite the eden there. I also - before I found out just 3 months ago that it is illegal to keep Koi in anything other than an artificial environment - bought 8 little Koi when I started with the pond. I put them in there and never saw them again for some months and then one day they were spotted.

This summer they started spawning. At first to my delight. Later, when I realised that they were multiplying like nobodies business, I also realised that I would soon have a very big population problem. Currently I am digging the hole for a Koi pond here in our garden so that I can at least salvage some of the smaller ones. Because of the natural result with the lime stone, I thought to simplify the new pond by building it with loose lime stone that is lying around on the farm. The floor would be cement and the walls, lime stone. This way the water will also constantly drain away through the walls and fresh water can flow into the pond almost 24/7. In order to provide oxygen at night, I will have a fontain circulating the water. Does this sound viable to you?

The pond we are digging now, is 6m across and 1.5m deep. Some of the first spawn are already 20cm+ long. How many Koi could I keep in that pond at a time if I were to sell them.

How does one transport larger Koi. The largets one is around 700mm. It seems as if it may be easier to transport a whale. We are 80km's from the closest town so you see transport will be an issue thus I don't think an attempt at selling them would be succesfull but I'll give it a shot all the same.

The list of questions goes on. The above ones however, are the most important ones.
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Posts : 2330
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Join date : 2007-07-25
Age : 62
Location : Cape Town

water - Pond with constant natural water from spring Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pond with constant natural water from spring   water - Pond with constant natural water from spring EmptyThu Jan 07, 2010 10:38 am

My response:

Dear Cronje

I have posted your mail on my forum at

Please join, elaborate and post a picture or two to enable members to give you proper advice.

Kind regards

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Location : Pretoria

water - Pond with constant natural water from spring Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pond with constant natural water from spring   water - Pond with constant natural water from spring EmptyThu Jan 07, 2010 12:12 pm

Hi Paul

Please mail me the persons contat details and I will try and assist him with his Q.
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Posts : 2330
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Join date : 2007-07-25
Age : 62
Location : Cape Town

water - Pond with constant natural water from spring Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pond with constant natural water from spring   water - Pond with constant natural water from spring EmptyThu Jan 07, 2010 12:44 pm

Collin wrote:
Hi Paul

Please mail me the persons contat details and I will try and assist him with his Q.

Have done so, thanks.
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