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PostSubject: What could this be ?    What could this be ?  EmptySat Jun 04, 2011 5:45 pm

Hi All

Moved my koi over to a holding tank as I am repairing a leak in my pond when I noticed one of the koi with some sort of wound on the side of its body. What could this be and how would I go about treating it ? Do I need to be concerned about it spreading to other koi in tank ? Please help !! Sad

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PostSubject: Re: What could this be ?    What could this be ?  EmptySun Jun 05, 2011 7:50 am

Looks like an Ulcer, or also known as "hole disease" caused by a bacterial infection.

See under FAQ of the forum,

Check your water for Nitrites and Ammonia, check for parasites which might have caused it (primary reason) and then treat for the Bacterial infection. Maintain perfect water and warm up the tank. Separate the fish if possible.
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What could this be ?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What could this be ?    What could this be ?  EmptyMon Jun 06, 2011 10:54 am

Thanks for the reply

I was reading the post you attached and its scary to think that the other fish might be infected as well.

Also, its mentioned that another sign is fin rot. After careful examination of all the fish that were in the pond i noticed that 1 other fish is in the early stages of fin rot.

I have 2 small holding tanks at about 160l each that I am keeping fish in at the moment while repairing pond. You mentioned to increase your salt level to 6 kg/1000 liter which would mean about 1kg of salt I need to add to each tank ?

I will also buy some Acraflavine today and treat tanks.

Any other advise would be greatly appreciated.
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PostSubject: Re: What could this be ?    What could this be ?  EmptyTue Jun 07, 2011 9:01 am

If you can not find Acriflavine, you can also use Potassium Permanganate @ 2.5g/1000 liter. Four treatments two days between each treatment. 30% water change after each treatment.
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PostSubject: Re: What could this be ?    What could this be ?  EmptyTue Jun 07, 2011 10:15 am

Thanks for the help Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: What could this be ?    What could this be ?  EmptyTue Jun 07, 2011 4:50 pm

paul sal dit help as mens dit met paroxide skoon maak en flyers balsem op smeer
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PostSubject: be careful   What could this be ?  EmptyThu Jun 09, 2011 6:45 am

Admin wrote:
If you can not find Acriflavine, you can also use Potassium Permanganate @ 2.5g/1000 liter. Four treatments two days between each treatment. 30% water change after each treatment.
PP can kill most parasites. Some might still be in your pond, and your fish reinfected. So U can also treat your pond, even before U put the fish with 3gr/1000l, U can do it 5 times or utntil your water stays pink for 5 hrs. They say 5 treatments one a day but U can do it minus fish one at shorter intervals. Just remember some parasite eggs cysts might not be affected, so You will need to do one PP after 5 days.
Fin rot can be caused by overcrowding in your QT. Do regular water changes and measure parameters.
You can start with topical treatment of the fin rot with PP paste/concentrate.
Be ware of chemical burns, they can cause more damage. Do not use peroxide at 6%, dilute 50;50 with water.
If it does not help, shout here!
Admin.... I am learning. I brought my koi from RSA, and went trough all this. By the way it is not hard to export Koi from RSA.
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PostSubject: Re: What could this be ?    What could this be ?  EmptyThu Jun 09, 2011 10:52 am

vossie wrote:
paul sal dit help as mens dit met paroxide skoon maak en flyers balsem op smeer

Hi Vossie, ek gebruik peroxide slegs indien die wond baie septies is. Mens brand die vis so maklik met HP. Ek verkies om skoon te maak met bietjie Malachite green of PP Paste en soms sit ek Terramycin poeier op en dan seel ek met Frairs Balsam. Laasgenoemde maak dood wat nie reeds dood is nie en seel die wond en bly ten minste op die wond vir 'n ruk.
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PostSubject: Re: What could this be ?    What could this be ?  EmptyThu Jun 09, 2011 11:10 am

Neli wrote:
Admin.... I am learning. I brought my koi from RSA, and went trough all this. By the way it is not hard to export Koi from RSA.

Hi Neli, I am very glad for you. You bought some very nice fish and I am impressed with all the knowledge you obtained in a very short time. You are clearly one of the most enthusiastic koi keepers I have seen in a long time.

Regarding the Export, I agree that it is quite easy to export without the authorities knowing about it. The problem is, they can stop the export if all paperwork is not in place, in which case your or the dealer may loose at lot. I suppose it is all about the risks you and the dealer are prepared to take. A lot of people get away with ignorence. Because I am an Attorney, I will probably not get away with a defence of ignorence. No
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PostSubject: Re: What could this be ?    What could this be ?  EmptyThu Jan 12, 2012 12:22 am

I did not do any short cuts when exporting...Did it all official...with import permit from Zambia, and a letter from a state the fish and papers were inspected by our state Vet.. and all was fine....
Had no problems at all.
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