Hi Everyone,
Fed the fish at 6 this morning, before my hockey match and got home at around about 3 I went to check up on this fish, and saw one was very drozzy almost drunk. Now usaully this fsh always swims away from me. So I didn't know what it was doing, so I came back an hour later and found another fish floating and covered in almost a coat of muckas.
Will post some pictures later, I caught the other drozzy fish and put him in a medicine tank. Don't think he will make it though the night though
I bought some small koi 2 months ago, and have kept them in quarantine for 2 weeks. Only now have fish started to become drozzy and weird.
Please help
Like I said I was on one of the American forums and saw a topic like mine, and saw that the person had Cotton wool disease.
Does any one have nay suggestions? I have added some salt in, and done a 30% water change? any more that I can do, or has someone had a similar situation?