The WCKC is looking for a suitable venue to accommodate (10-12) 2meter vats for the purpose of a Baby Koi skow. Koi 45 cm and under may enter.
As a committee we need for this event to be low key on cost to the society and the participating member. We need to recover expenses and at the same time add value to our 2 meter vats.
Any comments, suggestions, sponsors, are welcome and if you so wish PM your suggestions to me.
We would like to invite all the Koi keepers to make use of this opportunity to experience the challenges of a Show on a more informal level.
Should we be able to match the schedule of an senior judge, the gentleman has indicated that he will assist some of our local dealers and Koi Experts in Judging the Show. This will be a great opportunity for the likes of Ernst, Drikus, Quinton,Christie, Paul, and Julian to gain more experience in picking tossai.
Keepers will be able to get a professional opinion on the tossai on show and this will be invaluable for future selections.